Want to learn Flutter? Don’t know where to start? here are some good resources to master Flutter

Swaroop Sambhayya
7 min readOct 10, 2020


What is Flutter?

For those who are hearing Flutter for the first time, Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. You can build awesome and native applications with rich UI in Flutter with less development time.

Where can I learn Flutter?

Before providing resources directly, I would like to know who familiar are you with Flutter? So for this purpose let me divide familiarity into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


If you are a beginner then I would like you to visit the official website here first and know more about how Flutter works.

Here are some beginner resources:

  1. Widget of the Week
Widget of the Week by Flutter team

2. Flutter development Road map

This is an Awesome Github repository for a visual roadmap with principles, patterns, and frameworks for Flutter newbies by Olexandr Leuschenko

3. Layout Cheat Sheet

The layout Cheatsheet is an awesome medium article written by Tomek Polański which explains how to place elements on the screen according to our desire. This is a very important article for beginners to go through.


  1. FlutterFire

FlutterFire is a set of Flutter plugins which connect your Flutter application to Firebase

2. State Management in Flutter

Various approaches to State management is perfectly explained in the official docs of Flutter team.

3. RiverPod

Riverpod is a very helpful package to Compile safe, Provider without its limitations, Doesn’t depend on Flutter developed by Remi Rousselet.

4. Animations in Flutter

How to create Animations in Flutter? a complete roadmap to use animation from Flutter team with documentation and video tutorials.


  1. Slivers

If you want to use a custom floating app bar that maximizes or minimizes on a scroll then one thing in Flutter to use is Slivers. This is a medium article that explains what are Slivers and how to use them?

2. Flutter’s BLOC pattern

A flutter package that helps to implement the bloc architecture by Felix Angelov

3. RxDart

RxDart adds additional capabilities to Dart Streams and StreamControllers.Dart comes with a very decent Streams API out-of-the-box; rather than attempting to provide an alternative to this API, RxDart adds functionality from the reactive extensions specification on top of it.

4. Flutter Hooks

Hooks are a new kind of object that manages a Widget life-cycles. They exist for one reason: increase the code-sharing between widgets by removing duplicates by dash-overflow.net. A Flutter implementation of React hooks.

5. Immutable Data Patterns in Dart and Flutter

Immutable data constructs are those that cannot be mutated (altered) after they’ve been initialized. Immutable Data Patterns are clearly explained by dart academy’s documentation.


These are some of the awesome UI kits that you can refer to or use to ease your Flutter development journey.

  • Flutter Screens — Collection of nice flutter samples.
  • Flutter-UI-Kit — Collection of useful UIs in a UIKit.
  • FLUTTER UI CHALLENGE — Profile App, Book Reader App, Drink Shop App .
  • Beautiful Dashboard — Awesome Dashboard Component.
  • Gorgeous Login — Smooth Login Template.
  • Flutter Samples — Collection of Amazing flutter samples.
  • Starter Kit — A starter kit for beginners to learn Bloc pattern, RxDart, sqflite, Fluro and Dio.
  • Let’s Clone — 18 Amazing Templates.
  • Payment App UI — Stunning Payment App UI.
  • ChatBot 🤖 — Incredible Chatbot using Flutter and Dialogflow.
  • Covid-19-Global-Mapper — Tracking Covid-19 cases on a Map-based view.
  • GetWidget — GetWidget is open source libraries that come with pre-build 1000+ UI components.
  • NASA APOD — NASA APOD fetches data from NASA API and displays information.
  • Flutter Intro Slider — Flutter Intro Slider is a flutter plugin that helps you make a cool intro for your app
  • Flutter Rating Bar — A simple yet fully customizable rating bar for flutter which also includes a rating bar indicator, supporting any fraction of rating.
  • E-Commerce Admin Side — Flutter + firebase full frontend and backend for managing E-Commerce
  • E-Commerce App UI — e-Commerce UI Kit has the goal to help you to save time with the frontend development. You can use this template to build your apps for Android and iOS in Flutter.

Youtube Channels

These are some of the tons of youtube channels from you can learn and get inspired from :-)

  • Flutter — The official flutter channel is the best place to get started
  • The Net Ninja — One of the best channels for flutter in English
  • Sanskar Tiwari — A channel for beautiful UI and API integration.
  • Devefy — A channel for UI and flutter web tutorials
  • Raja Yogan — A channel for logical and Backend tutorials for flutter
  • The Flutter Way — A channel for creating beautiful UIs
  • Reso Coder — Reso Coder by [Matt Rešetár] Matt is an app developer with a knack for teaching others. Working as a Flutter freelancer and most importantly developer educator
  • Mtechviral — First Indian YouTuber who started flutter tutorials
  • Easy Approach — A great channel that teaches complex flutter concepts in a simple manner with short and crisp videos.
  • RetroPortal Studio — An amazing channel for UI and custom widgets development
  • Santos Enoque — Building an E-commerce app in Flutter
  • Academind — An entire crash course for beginners in Flutter
  • FreeCodeCamp.org — A full tutorial for building iOS and Android apps in Flutter
  • Google Developers — A playlist of Flutter guides from Google themselves
  • FilledStacks — A Channel for Flutter Production Code
  • ReactBits — Flutter + Appwrite Tutorial Series
  • Flutter Explained — The Wikipedia For Flutter development
  • Flutter in Practice — Practical programming course for beginners
  • Desi programmer — Here you can also get some tutorials in Hindi
  • Ovidius Mazuru — A Channel for beginners in Flutter to have a strong fundamental understanding
  • CodeX — CodeX shares tutorial videos related to Mobile Application Development and other programming aspects. If you’re a student, beginner programmer or even expert developer consider subscribing to the channel to be updated with the latest of Mobile development.
  • Reso Coder — Reso Coder by [Matt Rešetár] Matt is an app developer with a knack for teaching others. Working as a Flutter freelancer and most importantly developer educator.
  • Babbar CODE HELP — Have a Flutter Series 2020 playlist in Hindi (Project Based Learning) .
  • Marcus Ng — Marcus gives amazing tutorials for web & mobile responsive UI.
  • Mitch Koko — This channel has some awesome small games implemented in Flutter with really cool UIs.
  • Johannes Milke — A useful channel with short, helpful videos to learn about Flutter widgets & other cool stuff.
  • Code With Andrea — A helpful channel to learn Dart & Flutter. Andrea, the instructor explains well.
  • Osama Asif — This channel has some awesome content in Flutter.


If you are a person who likes to read and learn from books and this is for you :-)

Best Practices

Here are some practices and advice for your flutter journey from various articles and blogs.

App Showcase

Here are some links to websites to showcase the beautiful apps built in flutter which expresses the power of Flutter, if you have already built one? you can showcase your app here :-).

  1. Showcase by Flutter — An official showcase platform by the Flutter team.
  2. It’s All Widgets — An open list of apps built in Flutter.



There are lot’s and tons of resources which are available apart from this that we can learn from,Just we need to type “Learn Flutter” and hit enter.

I hope this article will be helpful for you guys, Thank you :-)



Swaroop Sambhayya
Swaroop Sambhayya

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